SNo. | Scientific Name | Scientific Name Authorship | Locality | Habitat | Basis of Record | Recorded By | Record Number | Island | Source | Date |
1 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Eastern Island, edge of runway | PreservedSpecimen | Herbst, D.R. | Collector Number: 6409 | Midway Atoll | BISH Specimen | 6/30/1980 | |
2 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | hamakua marsh, kailua, mauka (mountainside) of hamakua drive | Low groundcover growing on dried mudflats with Bacopa, Paspalum. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | imada, c.t. engilis, a.; yuen, a.; dr.duk | collector number: 92-6 | Oahu | BISH | 4/4/1992 |
3 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Waipio Peninsula; Waipio, Pouhala Marsh between Kapakahi & Waikele Streams | Occasional herb on mudflats adjacent to Batis marshland & open water. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Imada, C.T. | 96-10 | Oahu | BISH | 12/18/1996 |
4 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | tern islet, se edge of runway | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | herbst, d.r. | collector number: 6247 | French Frigate Shoals | BISH | 9/11/1978 | |
5 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Near Koko Hd. on the beach | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Forbes, C.N. | 1913.O | Oahu | BISH | 7/1/1914 | |
6 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | near haleiwa. marshy land | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | hilliaurs | Oahu | BISH | 3/17/1930 | ||
7 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | s. of ewa, 1 mile w of oneula, in salt flats back of beach | Weed | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | st.john, h. | collector number: 24804 | Oahu | BISH | 4/27/1952 |
8 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | honolulu, north of ala moana park, in sand dredged from kewalo basin | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | judd jr., a.f. | Oahu | BISH | 5/25/1937 | ||
9 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Kamilonui Valley, submerged in water by Kuapa Pond; bare soil; below Kiawe zone. (Near Koko Head.) | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Egler, F.E. | 37-110 | Oahu | BISH | 7/11/1937 | |
10 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | near koko head. fish ponds outer brook | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | bennett, t. | collector number: 1501 | Oahu | BISH | 6/11/1909 | |
11 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | sand island, se end of inner harbor | In dense rich forest. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | herbst, d.r. takeuchi, w.n. | collector number: 6349 | Hawaii | BISH | 6/29/1980 |
12 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | koko head oahu | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | forbes, c.n. | collector number: 1448 o. | Oahu | BISH | 6/11/1909 | |
13 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | koko head. tuff sea cliffs opposite the koko head rifle range | In small communities in exposed solution basins. Associated species: Heliotropium, Lipochaeta, Batis. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | nagata, k.m. | collector number: 1232 | Oahu | BISH | 7/25/1974 |
14 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Mokuleia Beach, Waialua | Seasonally flooded bulldozed sand pit near ocean. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Degener, O. | 27846 | Oahu | BISH | 2/1/1962 |
15 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Pouhala Marsh, Waipahu | Growing at edge and higher up on the bank of Pouhala. In wet to dry soil within the saltlines. Large patches in full sun to medium shade. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Crago, L.M. Erickson, T. | Collector Number: 2005-024 | Oahu | BISH | 1/24/2005 |
16 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | e side of hale o lono harbor | In sandy soil. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | oppenheimer, h.l. tangalin, n.; perlman, s.; garnett, b. | collector number: h50629 | Molokai | BISH | 5/15/2005 |
17 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Near Haleiwa. Marshy land | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Hilliaurs | s.n. | Oahu | BISH | 3/17/1930 | |
18 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | near air field, puolo, hanapepe | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | degener, o. degener, i. | collector number: 27353 | Kauai | BISH | 3/14/1961 | |
19 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Hamakua Marsh, Kailua, mauka (mountainside) of Hamakua Drive | Low groundcover growing on dried mudflats with Bacopa, Paspalum. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Imada, C.T. | 92-6 | Oahu | BISH | 4/4/1992 |
20 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | ewa, pohakupuna rd | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | woolford, h.a. | Oahu | BISH | 2/10/1957 | ||
21 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Near Koko Head. Fish Ponds outer brook | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Bennett, T. | 1501 | Oahu | BISH | 6/11/1909 | |
22 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | barbers point, east of the lighthouse on dry thin soil back of the beach in the open | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | egler, f.e. | collector number: 37-274 | Oahu | BISH | 8/11/1937 | |
23 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Damp spot, Waipio | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Pearsall, G.A. | s.n. | Oahu | BISH | 3/19/1954 | |
24 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | near air field, Puolo, Hanapepe | naturalized in mud flats | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Degener, O. | 27353 | Kauai | BISH | 3/14/1961 |
25 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Ewa Plains | Prosopis, Leucaena, Cynodon, Setaria, Many introduced plants. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Higashino, P.K. | 8189 | Oahu | BISH | 2/11/1979 |
26 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | waipio peninsula; waipio, pouhala marsh between kapakahi & waikele streams | Occasional herb on mudflats adjacent to Batis marshland & open water. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | imada, c.t. nishida, g. | collector number: 96-10 | Oahu | BISH | 12/18/1996 |
27 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Koko Head. Tuff sea cliffs opposite the Koko Head Rifle Range | In small but dense communities in solution basins. Associated with Batis, Heliotropium, Lipochaeta. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Nagata, K.M. | 1230 | Oahu | BISH | 7/25/1974 |
28 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Sand Island, SE end of inner harbor | mudflat | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Herbst, D.R. | 6349 | Midway Atoll | BISH | 6/29/1980 |
29 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Waimea, Salt Pond County Park, W side of salt pan and adjacent edge of park | Halephytic vegetation of Batis maritima and Pluchea indica | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Lorence, D.H. | 7438 | Kauai | BISH | 2/5/1994 |
30 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Sandspit in front of Kuapa Pond between Kuliouou and Portlock | In sand just above high water mark | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Herbst, D.R. | 413 | Oahu | BISH | 4/5/1967 |
31 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | waialua, kawailua, roadside | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | bush, w. topping, d.l. | collector number: s.n. | Oahu | BISH | 3/5/1933 | |
32 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Ewa Beach | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Bennett, T. | 174 | Oahu | BISH | 2/24/1982 | |
33 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Honolulu, Oahu. Herb medicines, native name MIMI ILIO, (urine dog) | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Pukui, M.K. | s.n. | Oahu | BISH | 4/14/1905 | |
34 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | among branches of Atriplex sp. golden crown beard, mixed grasses, and Batis sp. west of Barbers Point Deep Draft harbor | Plants were seeding and the population was robust. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Funk, E.J. | 403 | Oahu | BISH | 5/1/1990 |
35 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | near koko head on the beach with j.f.s.stokes | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | forbes, c.n. | collector number: 1913.6 | Oahu | BISH | 7/1/1914 | |
36 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | ewa. pohakupuna rd | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | woolford, h.a. | Oahu | BISH | |||
37 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | pouhala marsh, waipahu | Growing at edge and higher up on the bank of Pouhala. In wet to dry soil within the saltlines. Large patches in full sun to medium shade. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | crago, l.m. erickson, t. | collector number: 2005-024 | Oahu | BISH | 1/24/2005 |
38 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Ca. 200 yds, east of the light house at Barber's Point. | Arid, sandy region behind beach. Assoc. w/ Pluchea indica, P. odorata, Batis, Lycium, Sesuvium, Spergularia, sporobolus virg. Gregarious, naturalized. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Herbst, D.R. | 505 | Oahu | BISH | 5/21/1967 |
39 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | kure atoll | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | lamoureux, c.h. | collector number: 1910 | Kure Atoll | BISH | 9/13/1961 | |
40 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | ewa, pohakupuna rd | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | woolford, h.a. | collector number: s.n. | Oahu | BISH | 2/10/1957 | |
41 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | KAUAI: Salt Pond County Park. Halophytic vegetation of Batis maritima and Pluchea indica around salt pans. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | David H. Lorence | 7438 | Kauai | PTBG | 2/5/1994 | |
42 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | summit trail s of kealia | bare rocky clay of wide path | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | degener, o. hatheway, w.h. | collector number: 20670 | Oahu | BISH | 5/14/1950 |
43 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | mokuleia beach, waialua | Seasonally flooded bulldozed sand pit near ocean. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | degener, o. degener, i. | collector number: 27846 | Oahu | BISH | 2/1/1962 |
44 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | kamilonui valley, submerged in water by kuapa pond; bare soil; below kiawe zone. (near koko head.) | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | egler, f.e. | collector number: 37-110 | Oahu | BISH | 7/11/1937 | |
45 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Salt Pond Park west of Burns Field, Hanapepe. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Tim Flynn | 1605 | Kauai | PTBG | 3/18/1986 | |
46 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | kuaui. salt pond park west of burns field, hanapepe. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | t. flynn | 1605 | NY | 3/18/1986 | ||
47 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Salt Pond Beach Park area, ancient salt pans and littoral vegetation, western end of Hanapepe makai of Burns Field perimeter, shrubland/grassland/herbland. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | K. R. Wood | 11131 | Kauai | PTBG | 2/9/2005 | |
48 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | MAUI: E. Maui, Kanaha Pond Wildlife Sanctuary. Growing in sandy soil near observation kiosk at Hana Hwy. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Hank Oppenheimer | H100052 | Maui | PTBG | 10/30/2000 | |
49 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Near air field, Puolo, Hanapepe | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Degener, O.; Degener, I. | 27353 | Kauai | US | 3/14/1961 | |
50 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | From the south side of the runway | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Long, C. R. | 2247 | Kure Atoll | US | 9/14/1964 | |
51 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Honolulu, north of Ala Moana Park, in sand deredged from Kewalo Basin | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Judd, A. F. | s.n. | Oahu | US | 5/25/1937 | |
52 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Barbers Point, coral plain, near beach. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Ning, W. S. | s.n. | Oahu | US | 8/8/1937 | |
53 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Koko Head. Tuff sea cliffs opposite the Koko Head Rifle Range. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Nagata, K. M. | 1232 | Oahu | US | 7/25/1974 | |
54 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | along Kaahumanu Highway east of Waikoloa Junction. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Herbst, D. R.; Ishikawa, S. | 5386 | Hawaii | US | 6/24/1975 | |
55 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | hamakua marsh, kailua, mauka (mountainside) of hamakua drive | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | c. imada, a. engilis & a. yuen | 92-6 | Oahu | US | 4/4/1992 | |
56 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | tern islet, along southeastern edge of the runway. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | d. r. herbst | 6247 | French Frigate Shoals | US | 9/11/1978 | |
57 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | kamilonui valley, by kuapa pond, below kiawe | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | f. egler | 37-110 | Oahu | US | 7/11/1937 | |
58 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Waimea Dist., Salt Pond County Park | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Lorence, D. H. | 7438 | Kauai | US | 2/5/1994 | |
59 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | waianae. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | f. r. fosberg & v. o. fosberg | 13624 | Oahu | US | 3/21/1937 | |
60 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | koko head. tuff sea cliffs opposite the koko head rifle range. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | k. nagata | 1232 | Oahu | US | 7/25/1974 | |
61 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Koko Head. Tuff sea cliffs opposite the Koko Head Rifle Range | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Nagata, K. M. | 1230 | Oahu | US | 7/25/1974 | |
62 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | mokuleia | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | o. degener | 17160 | Oahu | US | 3/14/1933 | |
63 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | along kaahumanu highway east of waikoloa junction. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | d. r. herbst & s. ishikawa | 5386 | Hawaii | US | 6/24/1975 | |
64 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | near air field, puolo, hanapepe | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | o. degener & i. degener | 27353 | Kauai | US | 3/14/1961 | |
65 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | koko head. tuff sea cliffs opposite the koko head rifle range | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | k. nagata | 1230 | Maui | US | 7/25/1974 | |
66 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Kamilonui Valley, by Kuapa Pond, below Kiawe | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Egler, F. E. | 37-110 | Oahu | US | 7/11/1937 | |
67 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | waimea dist., salt pond county park | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | d. h. lorence | 7438 | Kauai | US | 2/5/1994 | |
68 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Hamakua Marsh, Kailua, mauka (mountainside) of Hamakua Drive | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Imada, C. T.; Engilis, A.; Yuen, A. | 92-6 | Oahu | US | 4/4/1992 | |
69 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | honolulu, north of ala moana park, in sand deredged from kewalo basin | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | a. judd | s.n. | Oahu | US | 5/25/1937 | |
70 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Mokuleia | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Degener, O. | 17160 | Oahu | US | 3/14/1933 | |
71 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | barbers point, coral plain, near beach. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | w. ning | s.n. | Oahu | US | 8/8/1937 | |
72 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Pouhala Marsh, Waipahu. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Crago, L. M.; Erickson, T. | 2005-024 | Oahu | US | 1/24/2005 | |
73 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | from the south side of the runway | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | c. long | 2247 | Kure Atoll | US | 9/14/1964 | |
74 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Honolulu, North of Ala Moana Park, in sand dredged from Kewalo Basin | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Judd Jr., A.F. | s.n. | Oahu | BISH | 5/25/1937 | |
75 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | near koko hd. on the beach | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | forbes, c.n. | collector number: 1913.0 | Oahu | BISH | 7/1/1914 | |
76 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | E side of Hale o Lono Harbor | In sandy soil. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Oppenheimer, H.L. | H50629 | Molokai | BISH | 5/15/2005 |
77 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | kapuaina coconut grove | open ground near beach | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | pekelo jr., n. | collector number: 35 | Molokai | BISH | 3/8/1974 |
78 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Mokuleia Beach, Waialua, sand pit near ocean | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Degener, O.; Degener, I. | 27846 | Oahu | US | 2/2/1962 | |
79 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Kapuaiwa Coconut Grove | open ground near beach | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Pekelo Jr., N. | 35 | Molokai | BISH | 3/8/1974 |
80 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | eastern island, edge of runway | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | herbst, d.r. | collector number: 6409 | Oahu | BISH | 6/30/1980 | |
81 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | sandspit in front of kuapa pond between kuliouou and portlock | In sand just above high water mark | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | herbst, d.r. | collector number: 413 | Oahu | BISH | 4/5/1967 |
82 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | mokuleia beach, waialua, sand pit near ocean | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | o. degener & i. degener | 27846 | Oahu | US | 2/2/1962 | |
83 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | honolulu, kapiolani park | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | munro, g.c. | collector number: 58 | Oahu | BISH | 4/14/1950 | |
84 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Koko Head Oahu | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Forbes, C.N. | 1448 o. | Oahu | BISH | 6/11/1909 | |
85 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | ewa, barbers point, on dry open flat near beach | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | hosaka, e.y. | collector number: 1352 | Oahu | BISH | 3/22/1936 | |
86 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | ewa beach | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | bennett, t. | collector number: 174 | Maui | BISH | 2/24/1982 | |
87 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Waianae. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Fosberg, F. R.; Fosberg, V. O. | 13624 | Oahu | US | 3/21/1937 | |
88 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | pouhala marsh, waipahu. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | l. crago & t. erickson | 2005-024 | Oahu | US | 1/24/2005 | |
89 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | roadside near niu | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | forbes, c.n. | collector number: 2422.0 | Oahu | BISH | 2/16/1917 | |
90 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Tern Islet, along southeastern edge of the runway. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Herbst, D. R. | 6247 | French Frigate Shoals | US | 9/11/1978 | |
91 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | waianae mts., piko trail | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | kerr, m. | collector number: 38-0 | Oahu | BISH | 5/5/1946 | |
92 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | makai of aquaculture site of kahuku | Collected in solid, dwarfed strand community of Heliotropium anomalum, Jacquemontia, Fimbristylis, Nama, Euphorbia degeneri and Lycium. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | stemmermann, r.l. palmer, d.; obata, j. | collector number: 3703 | Oahu | BISH | 2/11/1979 |
93 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Near Koko Head on the beach with J.F.S.Stokes | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Forbes, C.N. | 1913.O | Oahu | BISH | 7/1/1914 | |
94 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Koko Head. Tuff sea cliffs opposite the Koko Head Rifle Range | In small communities in exposed solution basins. Associated species: Heliotropium, Lipochaeta, Batis. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Nagata, K.M. | 1232 | Oahu | BISH | 7/25/1974 |
95 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Pouhala Marsh, Waipahu | Growing at edge and higher up on the bank of Pouhala. In wet to dry soil within the saltlines. Large patches in full sun to medium shade. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Crago, L.M. | 2005-024 | Oahu | BISH | 1/24/2005 |
96 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Honolulu, Kapiolani Park | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Munro, G.C. | 58 | Oahu | BISH | 4/14/1950 | |
97 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | kahului, near | brackish marsh | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | degener, o. | collector number: 35810 | Maui | BISH | 7/11/1927 |
98 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | among branches of atriplex sp. golden crown beard, mixed grasses, and batis sp. west of barbers point deep draft harbor | Plants were seeding and the population was robust. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | funk, e.j. lee, m.; b.ching | collector number: 403 | Oahu | BISH | 5/1/1990 |
99 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | ewa plains | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | higashino, p.k. | collector number: 8189 | Kauai | BISH | 2/11/1979 | |
100 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | S. of Ewa, 1 mile W of Oneula, in salt flats back of beach | Weed | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | St. John, H. | 24804 | Oahu | BISH | 4/27/1952 |
101 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Roadside near Niu | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Forbes, C.N. | 2422.O | Oahu | BISH | 2/16/1917 | |
102 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Waianae Mts., Piko trail | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Kerr, M. | 38-0 | Oahu | BISH | 5/5/1946 | |
103 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | E side of Hale o Lono Harbor | In sandy soil. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Oppenheimer, H.L. Tangalin, N.; Perlman, S.; Garnett, B. | Collector Number: H50629 | Molokai | BISH | 5/15/2005 |
104 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Tern Islet | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Lamoureux, C.H. | 1663 | French Frigate Shoals | BISH | 9/2/1961 | |
105 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Waialua, Kawailua, roadside | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Bush, W. | s.n. | Oahu | BISH | 3/5/1933 | |
106 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Ewa, Barbers Point, on dry open flat near beach | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Hosaka, E.Y. | 1352 | Oahu | BISH | 3/22/1936 | |
107 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | koko head. tuff sea cliffs opposite the koko head rifle range | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | nagata, k.m. | collector number: 1230 | Oahu | BISH | 7/25/1974 | |
108 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Summit trail south of Kealia, Oahu. Growing only on bare rocky clay of wide path | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Degener, O. | 20670 | Oahu | BISH | 3/14/1950 | |
109 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Kahului, near | brackish marsh | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Degener, O. | 35810 | Maui | BISH | 7/11/1927 |
110 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | salt pond park w of burns field, hanapepe, around pavillion | Moist woods | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | flynn, t. | collector number: 1605 | Molokai | BISH | 3/18/1986 |
111 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | beach near koko head | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | forbes, c.n. | collector number: 1447 | Oahu | BISH | 2/15/1909 | |
112 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | damp spot, waipio | Ferns in 6" pots inside plastic-roofed house. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | pearsall, g.a. | Hawaii | BISH | 3/19/1954 | |
113 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Salt Pond Park W of Burns Field, Hanapepe, around pavillion | lawn | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Flynn, T. | 1605 | Kauai | BISH | 3/18/1986 |
114 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Kure Atoll | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Lamoureux, C.H. | 1910 | Kure Atoll | BISH | 9/13/1961 | |
115 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Barbers Point, east of the lighthouse on dry thin soil back of the beach in the open | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Egler, F.E. | 37-274 | Oahu | BISH | 8/11/1937 | |
116 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | beach e of barber's point | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | fosberg, f.r. | collector number: 29528 | Molokai | BISH | 2/4/1948 | |
117 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | waimea, salt pond county park, w side of salt pan and adjacent edge of park | Halephytic vegetation of Batis maritima and Pluchea indica | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | lorence, d.h. | collector number: 7438 | Kauai | BISH | 2/5/1994 |
118 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | tern islet | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | lamoureux, c.h. | collector number: 1663 | French Frigate Shoals | BISH | 9/2/1961 | |
119 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Eastern Island, edge of runway | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Herbst, D.R. | 6409 | Midway Atoll | BISH | 6/30/1980 | |
120 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Tern Islet, SE edge of runway | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Herbst, D.R. | 6247 | French Frigate Shoals | BISH | 9/11/1978 | |
121 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | honolulu, oahu. herb medicines, native name mimi ilio, (urine dog) | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | pukui, m.k. | Oahu | BISH | 8/8/1931 | ||
122 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Makai of aquaculture site of Kahuku | Collected in solid, dwarfed strand community of Heliotropium anomalum, Jacquemontia, Fimbristylis, Nama, Euphorbia degeneri and Lycium. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Stemmermann, R.L. | 3703 | Oahu | BISH | 2/11/1979 |
123 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Summit trail S of Kealia | bare rocky clay of wide path | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Degener, O. | 20670 | Oahu | BISH | 5/14/1950 |
124 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | summit trail south of kealia, oahu. growing only on bare rocky clay of wide path | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | degener, o. | collector number: 20670 | Oahu | BISH | 3/14/1950 | |
125 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Beach near Koko Head | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Forbes, C.N. | 1447 | Oahu | BISH | 2/15/1909 | |
126 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Ewa. Pohakupuna Rd | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Woolford, H.A. | s.n. | Oahu | BISH | ||
127 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | beach E of Barber's Point | along shaded path in Prosopis on coral limestone | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Fosberg, F.R. | 29528 | Oahu | BISH | 2/4/1948 |
128 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Sand Island, SE end of inner harbor | mudflat | PreservedSpecimen | Herbst, D.R. Takeuchi, W.N. | Collector Number: 6349 | Midway Atoll | BISH Specimen | 6/29/1980 |
129 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Eastern Island, edge of runway | PreservedSpecimen | Herbst, D.R. | Collector Number: 6409 | Midway Atoll | BISH Specimen | 6/30/1980 | |
130 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | hamakua marsh, kailua, mauka (mountainside) of hamakua drive | Low groundcover growing on dried mudflats with Bacopa, Paspalum. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | imada, c.t. engilis, a.; yuen, a.; dr.duk | collector number: 92-6 | Oahu | BISH | 4/4/1992 |
131 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Waipio Peninsula; Waipio, Pouhala Marsh between Kapakahi & Waikele Streams | Occasional herb on mudflats adjacent to Batis marshland & open water. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Imada, C.T. | 96-10 | Oahu | BISH | 12/18/1996 |
132 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | tern islet, se edge of runway | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | herbst, d.r. | collector number: 6247 | French Frigate Shoals | BISH | 9/11/1978 | |
133 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Near Koko Hd. on the beach | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Forbes, C.N. | 1913.O | Oahu | BISH | 7/1/1914 | |
134 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | near haleiwa. marshy land | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | hilliaurs | Oahu | BISH | 3/17/1930 | ||
135 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | s. of ewa, 1 mile w of oneula, in salt flats back of beach | Weed | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | st.john, h. | collector number: 24804 | Oahu | BISH | 4/27/1952 |
136 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | honolulu, north of ala moana park, in sand dredged from kewalo basin | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | judd jr., a.f. | Oahu | BISH | 5/25/1937 | ||
137 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Kamilonui Valley, submerged in water by Kuapa Pond; bare soil; below Kiawe zone. (Near Koko Head.) | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Egler, F.E. | 37-110 | Oahu | BISH | 7/11/1937 | |
138 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | near koko head. fish ponds outer brook | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | bennett, t. | collector number: 1501 | Oahu | BISH | 6/11/1909 | |
139 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | sand island, se end of inner harbor | In dense rich forest. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | herbst, d.r. takeuchi, w.n. | collector number: 6349 | Hawaii | BISH | 6/29/1980 |
140 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | koko head oahu | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | forbes, c.n. | collector number: 1448 o. | Oahu | BISH | 6/11/1909 | |
141 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | koko head. tuff sea cliffs opposite the koko head rifle range | In small communities in exposed solution basins. Associated species: Heliotropium, Lipochaeta, Batis. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | nagata, k.m. | collector number: 1232 | Oahu | BISH | 7/25/1974 |
142 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Mokuleia Beach, Waialua | Seasonally flooded bulldozed sand pit near ocean. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Degener, O. | 27846 | Oahu | BISH | 2/1/1962 |
143 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Pouhala Marsh, Waipahu | Growing at edge and higher up on the bank of Pouhala. In wet to dry soil within the saltlines. Large patches in full sun to medium shade. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Crago, L.M. Erickson, T. | Collector Number: 2005-024 | Oahu | BISH | 1/24/2005 |
144 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | e side of hale o lono harbor | In sandy soil. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | oppenheimer, h.l. tangalin, n.; perlman, s.; garnett, b. | collector number: h50629 | Molokai | BISH | 5/15/2005 |
145 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Near Haleiwa. Marshy land | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Hilliaurs | s.n. | Oahu | BISH | 3/17/1930 | |
146 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | near air field, puolo, hanapepe | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | degener, o. degener, i. | collector number: 27353 | Kauai | BISH | 3/14/1961 | |
147 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Hamakua Marsh, Kailua, mauka (mountainside) of Hamakua Drive | Low groundcover growing on dried mudflats with Bacopa, Paspalum. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Imada, C.T. | 92-6 | Oahu | BISH | 4/4/1992 |
148 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | ewa, pohakupuna rd | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | woolford, h.a. | Oahu | BISH | 2/10/1957 | ||
149 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Near Koko Head. Fish Ponds outer brook | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Bennett, T. | 1501 | Oahu | BISH | 6/11/1909 | |
150 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | barbers point, east of the lighthouse on dry thin soil back of the beach in the open | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | egler, f.e. | collector number: 37-274 | Oahu | BISH | 8/11/1937 | |
151 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Damp spot, Waipio | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Pearsall, G.A. | s.n. | Oahu | BISH | 3/19/1954 | |
152 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | near air field, Puolo, Hanapepe | naturalized in mud flats | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Degener, O. | 27353 | Kauai | BISH | 3/14/1961 |
153 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Ewa Plains | Prosopis, Leucaena, Cynodon, Setaria, Many introduced plants. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Higashino, P.K. | 8189 | Oahu | BISH | 2/11/1979 |
154 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | waipio peninsula; waipio, pouhala marsh between kapakahi & waikele streams | Occasional herb on mudflats adjacent to Batis marshland & open water. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | imada, c.t. nishida, g. | collector number: 96-10 | Oahu | BISH | 12/18/1996 |
155 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Koko Head. Tuff sea cliffs opposite the Koko Head Rifle Range | In small but dense communities in solution basins. Associated with Batis, Heliotropium, Lipochaeta. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Nagata, K.M. | 1230 | Oahu | BISH | 7/25/1974 |
156 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Sand Island, SE end of inner harbor | mudflat | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Herbst, D.R. | 6349 | Midway Atoll | BISH | 6/29/1980 |
157 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Waimea, Salt Pond County Park, W side of salt pan and adjacent edge of park | Halephytic vegetation of Batis maritima and Pluchea indica | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Lorence, D.H. | 7438 | Kauai | BISH | 2/5/1994 |
158 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Sandspit in front of Kuapa Pond between Kuliouou and Portlock | In sand just above high water mark | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Herbst, D.R. | 413 | Oahu | BISH | 4/5/1967 |
159 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | waialua, kawailua, roadside | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | bush, w. topping, d.l. | collector number: s.n. | Oahu | BISH | 3/5/1933 | |
160 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Ewa Beach | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Bennett, T. | 174 | Oahu | BISH | 2/24/1982 | |
161 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Honolulu, Oahu. Herb medicines, native name MIMI ILIO, (urine dog) | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Pukui, M.K. | s.n. | Oahu | BISH | 4/14/1905 | |
162 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | among branches of Atriplex sp. golden crown beard, mixed grasses, and Batis sp. west of Barbers Point Deep Draft harbor | Plants were seeding and the population was robust. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Funk, E.J. | 403 | Oahu | BISH | 5/1/1990 |
163 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | near koko head on the beach with j.f.s.stokes | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | forbes, c.n. | collector number: 1913.6 | Oahu | BISH | 7/1/1914 | |
164 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | ewa. pohakupuna rd | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | woolford, h.a. | Oahu | BISH | |||
165 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | pouhala marsh, waipahu | Growing at edge and higher up on the bank of Pouhala. In wet to dry soil within the saltlines. Large patches in full sun to medium shade. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | crago, l.m. erickson, t. | collector number: 2005-024 | Oahu | BISH | 1/24/2005 |
166 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Ca. 200 yds, east of the light house at Barber's Point. | Arid, sandy region behind beach. Assoc. w/ Pluchea indica, P. odorata, Batis, Lycium, Sesuvium, Spergularia, sporobolus virg. Gregarious, naturalized. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Herbst, D.R. | 505 | Oahu | BISH | 5/21/1967 |
167 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | kure atoll | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | lamoureux, c.h. | collector number: 1910 | Kure Atoll | BISH | 9/13/1961 | |
168 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | ewa, pohakupuna rd | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | woolford, h.a. | collector number: s.n. | Oahu | BISH | 2/10/1957 | |
169 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | KAUAI: Salt Pond County Park. Halophytic vegetation of Batis maritima and Pluchea indica around salt pans. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | David H. Lorence | 7438 | Kauai | PTBG | 2/5/1994 | |
170 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | summit trail s of kealia | bare rocky clay of wide path | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | degener, o. hatheway, w.h. | collector number: 20670 | Oahu | BISH | 5/14/1950 |
171 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | mokuleia beach, waialua | Seasonally flooded bulldozed sand pit near ocean. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | degener, o. degener, i. | collector number: 27846 | Oahu | BISH | 2/1/1962 |
172 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | kamilonui valley, submerged in water by kuapa pond; bare soil; below kiawe zone. (near koko head.) | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | egler, f.e. | collector number: 37-110 | Oahu | BISH | 7/11/1937 | |
173 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Salt Pond Park west of Burns Field, Hanapepe. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Tim Flynn | 1605 | Kauai | PTBG | 3/18/1986 | |
174 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | kuaui. salt pond park west of burns field, hanapepe. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | t. flynn | 1605 | NY | 3/18/1986 | ||
175 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Salt Pond Beach Park area, ancient salt pans and littoral vegetation, western end of Hanapepe makai of Burns Field perimeter, shrubland/grassland/herbland. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | K. R. Wood | 11131 | Kauai | PTBG | 2/9/2005 | |
176 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | MAUI: E. Maui, Kanaha Pond Wildlife Sanctuary. Growing in sandy soil near observation kiosk at Hana Hwy. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Hank Oppenheimer | H100052 | Maui | PTBG | 10/30/2000 | |
177 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Near air field, Puolo, Hanapepe | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Degener, O.; Degener, I. | 27353 | Kauai | US | 3/14/1961 | |
178 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | From the south side of the runway | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Long, C. R. | 2247 | Kure Atoll | US | 9/14/1964 | |
179 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Honolulu, north of Ala Moana Park, in sand deredged from Kewalo Basin | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Judd, A. F. | s.n. | Oahu | US | 5/25/1937 | |
180 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Barbers Point, coral plain, near beach. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Ning, W. S. | s.n. | Oahu | US | 8/8/1937 | |
181 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Koko Head. Tuff sea cliffs opposite the Koko Head Rifle Range. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Nagata, K. M. | 1232 | Oahu | US | 7/25/1974 | |
182 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | along Kaahumanu Highway east of Waikoloa Junction. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Herbst, D. R.; Ishikawa, S. | 5386 | Hawaii | US | 6/24/1975 | |
183 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | hamakua marsh, kailua, mauka (mountainside) of hamakua drive | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | c. imada, a. engilis & a. yuen | 92-6 | Oahu | US | 4/4/1992 | |
184 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | tern islet, along southeastern edge of the runway. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | d. r. herbst | 6247 | French Frigate Shoals | US | 9/11/1978 | |
185 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | kamilonui valley, by kuapa pond, below kiawe | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | f. egler | 37-110 | Oahu | US | 7/11/1937 | |
186 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Waimea Dist., Salt Pond County Park | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Lorence, D. H. | 7438 | Kauai | US | 2/5/1994 | |
187 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | waianae. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | f. r. fosberg & v. o. fosberg | 13624 | Oahu | US | 3/21/1937 | |
188 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | koko head. tuff sea cliffs opposite the koko head rifle range. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | k. nagata | 1232 | Oahu | US | 7/25/1974 | |
189 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Koko Head. Tuff sea cliffs opposite the Koko Head Rifle Range | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Nagata, K. M. | 1230 | Oahu | US | 7/25/1974 | |
190 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | mokuleia | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | o. degener | 17160 | Oahu | US | 3/14/1933 | |
191 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | along kaahumanu highway east of waikoloa junction. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | d. r. herbst & s. ishikawa | 5386 | Hawaii | US | 6/24/1975 | |
192 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | near air field, puolo, hanapepe | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | o. degener & i. degener | 27353 | Kauai | US | 3/14/1961 | |
193 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | koko head. tuff sea cliffs opposite the koko head rifle range | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | k. nagata | 1230 | Maui | US | 7/25/1974 | |
194 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Kamilonui Valley, by Kuapa Pond, below Kiawe | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Egler, F. E. | 37-110 | Oahu | US | 7/11/1937 | |
195 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | waimea dist., salt pond county park | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | d. h. lorence | 7438 | Kauai | US | 2/5/1994 | |
196 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Hamakua Marsh, Kailua, mauka (mountainside) of Hamakua Drive | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Imada, C. T.; Engilis, A.; Yuen, A. | 92-6 | Oahu | US | 4/4/1992 | |
197 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | honolulu, north of ala moana park, in sand deredged from kewalo basin | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | a. judd | s.n. | Oahu | US | 5/25/1937 | |
198 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Mokuleia | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Degener, O. | 17160 | Oahu | US | 3/14/1933 | |
199 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | barbers point, coral plain, near beach. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | w. ning | s.n. | Oahu | US | 8/8/1937 | |
200 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Pouhala Marsh, Waipahu. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Crago, L. M.; Erickson, T. | 2005-024 | Oahu | US | 1/24/2005 | |
201 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | from the south side of the runway | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | c. long | 2247 | Kure Atoll | US | 9/14/1964 | |
202 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Honolulu, North of Ala Moana Park, in sand dredged from Kewalo Basin | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Judd Jr., A.F. | s.n. | Oahu | BISH | 5/25/1937 | |
203 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | near koko hd. on the beach | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | forbes, c.n. | collector number: 1913.0 | Oahu | BISH | 7/1/1914 | |
204 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | E side of Hale o Lono Harbor | In sandy soil. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Oppenheimer, H.L. | H50629 | Molokai | BISH | 5/15/2005 |
205 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | kapuaina coconut grove | open ground near beach | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | pekelo jr., n. | collector number: 35 | Molokai | BISH | 3/8/1974 |
206 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Mokuleia Beach, Waialua, sand pit near ocean | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Degener, O.; Degener, I. | 27846 | Oahu | US | 2/2/1962 | |
207 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Kapuaiwa Coconut Grove | open ground near beach | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Pekelo Jr., N. | 35 | Molokai | BISH | 3/8/1974 |
208 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | eastern island, edge of runway | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | herbst, d.r. | collector number: 6409 | Oahu | BISH | 6/30/1980 | |
209 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | sandspit in front of kuapa pond between kuliouou and portlock | In sand just above high water mark | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | herbst, d.r. | collector number: 413 | Oahu | BISH | 4/5/1967 |
210 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | mokuleia beach, waialua, sand pit near ocean | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | o. degener & i. degener | 27846 | Oahu | US | 2/2/1962 | |
211 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | honolulu, kapiolani park | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | munro, g.c. | collector number: 58 | Oahu | BISH | 4/14/1950 | |
212 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Koko Head Oahu | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Forbes, C.N. | 1448 o. | Oahu | BISH | 6/11/1909 | |
213 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | ewa, barbers point, on dry open flat near beach | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | hosaka, e.y. | collector number: 1352 | Oahu | BISH | 3/22/1936 | |
214 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | ewa beach | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | bennett, t. | collector number: 174 | Maui | BISH | 2/24/1982 | |
215 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Waianae. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Fosberg, F. R.; Fosberg, V. O. | 13624 | Oahu | US | 3/21/1937 | |
216 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | pouhala marsh, waipahu. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | l. crago & t. erickson | 2005-024 | Oahu | US | 1/24/2005 | |
217 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | roadside near niu | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | forbes, c.n. | collector number: 2422.0 | Oahu | BISH | 2/16/1917 | |
218 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Tern Islet, along southeastern edge of the runway. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Herbst, D. R. | 6247 | French Frigate Shoals | US | 9/11/1978 | |
219 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | waianae mts., piko trail | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | kerr, m. | collector number: 38-0 | Oahu | BISH | 5/5/1946 | |
220 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | makai of aquaculture site of kahuku | Collected in solid, dwarfed strand community of Heliotropium anomalum, Jacquemontia, Fimbristylis, Nama, Euphorbia degeneri and Lycium. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | stemmermann, r.l. palmer, d.; obata, j. | collector number: 3703 | Oahu | BISH | 2/11/1979 |
221 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Near Koko Head on the beach with J.F.S.Stokes | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Forbes, C.N. | 1913.O | Oahu | BISH | 7/1/1914 | |
222 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Koko Head. Tuff sea cliffs opposite the Koko Head Rifle Range | In small communities in exposed solution basins. Associated species: Heliotropium, Lipochaeta, Batis. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Nagata, K.M. | 1232 | Oahu | BISH | 7/25/1974 |
223 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Pouhala Marsh, Waipahu | Growing at edge and higher up on the bank of Pouhala. In wet to dry soil within the saltlines. Large patches in full sun to medium shade. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Crago, L.M. | 2005-024 | Oahu | BISH | 1/24/2005 |
224 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Honolulu, Kapiolani Park | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Munro, G.C. | 58 | Oahu | BISH | 4/14/1950 | |
225 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | kahului, near | brackish marsh | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | degener, o. | collector number: 35810 | Maui | BISH | 7/11/1927 |
226 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | among branches of atriplex sp. golden crown beard, mixed grasses, and batis sp. west of barbers point deep draft harbor | Plants were seeding and the population was robust. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | funk, e.j. lee, m.; b.ching | collector number: 403 | Oahu | BISH | 5/1/1990 |
227 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | ewa plains | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | higashino, p.k. | collector number: 8189 | Kauai | BISH | 2/11/1979 | |
228 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | S. of Ewa, 1 mile W of Oneula, in salt flats back of beach | Weed | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | St. John, H. | 24804 | Oahu | BISH | 4/27/1952 |
229 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Roadside near Niu | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Forbes, C.N. | 2422.O | Oahu | BISH | 2/16/1917 | |
230 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Waianae Mts., Piko trail | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Kerr, M. | 38-0 | Oahu | BISH | 5/5/1946 | |
231 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | E side of Hale o Lono Harbor | In sandy soil. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Oppenheimer, H.L. Tangalin, N.; Perlman, S.; Garnett, B. | Collector Number: H50629 | Molokai | BISH | 5/15/2005 |
232 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Tern Islet | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Lamoureux, C.H. | 1663 | French Frigate Shoals | BISH | 9/2/1961 | |
233 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Waialua, Kawailua, roadside | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Bush, W. | s.n. | Oahu | BISH | 3/5/1933 | |
234 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Ewa, Barbers Point, on dry open flat near beach | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Hosaka, E.Y. | 1352 | Oahu | BISH | 3/22/1936 | |
235 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | koko head. tuff sea cliffs opposite the koko head rifle range | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | nagata, k.m. | collector number: 1230 | Oahu | BISH | 7/25/1974 | |
236 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Summit trail south of Kealia, Oahu. Growing only on bare rocky clay of wide path | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Degener, O. | 20670 | Oahu | BISH | 3/14/1950 | |
237 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Kahului, near | brackish marsh | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Degener, O. | 35810 | Maui | BISH | 7/11/1927 |
238 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | salt pond park w of burns field, hanapepe, around pavillion | Moist woods | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | flynn, t. | collector number: 1605 | Molokai | BISH | 3/18/1986 |
239 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | beach near koko head | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | forbes, c.n. | collector number: 1447 | Oahu | BISH | 2/15/1909 | |
240 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | damp spot, waipio | Ferns in 6" pots inside plastic-roofed house. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | pearsall, g.a. | Hawaii | BISH | 3/19/1954 | |
241 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Salt Pond Park W of Burns Field, Hanapepe, around pavillion | lawn | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Flynn, T. | 1605 | Kauai | BISH | 3/18/1986 |
242 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Kure Atoll | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Lamoureux, C.H. | 1910 | Kure Atoll | BISH | 9/13/1961 | |
243 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Barbers Point, east of the lighthouse on dry thin soil back of the beach in the open | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Egler, F.E. | 37-274 | Oahu | BISH | 8/11/1937 | |
244 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | beach e of barber's point | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | fosberg, f.r. | collector number: 29528 | Molokai | BISH | 2/4/1948 | |
245 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | waimea, salt pond county park, w side of salt pan and adjacent edge of park | Halephytic vegetation of Batis maritima and Pluchea indica | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | lorence, d.h. | collector number: 7438 | Kauai | BISH | 2/5/1994 |
246 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | tern islet | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | lamoureux, c.h. | collector number: 1663 | French Frigate Shoals | BISH | 9/2/1961 | |
247 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Eastern Island, edge of runway | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Herbst, D.R. | 6409 | Midway Atoll | BISH | 6/30/1980 | |
248 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Tern Islet, SE edge of runway | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Herbst, D.R. | 6247 | French Frigate Shoals | BISH | 9/11/1978 | |
249 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | honolulu, oahu. herb medicines, native name mimi ilio, (urine dog) | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | pukui, m.k. | Oahu | BISH | 8/8/1931 | ||
250 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Makai of aquaculture site of Kahuku | Collected in solid, dwarfed strand community of Heliotropium anomalum, Jacquemontia, Fimbristylis, Nama, Euphorbia degeneri and Lycium. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Stemmermann, R.L. | 3703 | Oahu | BISH | 2/11/1979 |
251 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Summit trail S of Kealia | bare rocky clay of wide path | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Degener, O. | 20670 | Oahu | BISH | 5/14/1950 |
252 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | summit trail south of kealia, oahu. growing only on bare rocky clay of wide path | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | degener, o. | collector number: 20670 | Oahu | BISH | 3/14/1950 | |
253 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Beach near Koko Head | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Forbes, C.N. | 1447 | Oahu | BISH | 2/15/1909 | |
254 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Ewa. Pohakupuna Rd | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Woolford, H.A. | s.n. | Oahu | BISH | ||
255 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | beach E of Barber's Point | along shaded path in Prosopis on coral limestone | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Fosberg, F.R. | 29528 | Oahu | BISH | 2/4/1948 |
256 | Spergularia marina | (L.) Besser | Sand Island, SE end of inner harbor | mudflat | PreservedSpecimen | Herbst, D.R. Takeuchi, W.N. | Collector Number: 6349 | Midway Atoll | BISH Specimen | 6/29/1980 |